Saturday, September 02, 2006

Kitty Kat's New Car

Originally uploaded by beautykat.
In February, the Benz lost its transmission in the left turn lane at Victory and Alameda. It was a Saturday and I had just left my mechanic who informed me to sell the car right away. The knocking I had just reported hearing was something serious. I took this as a sign from God and sold the car to a retired couple who planned to convert my old friend into a bio-diesel sedan. I watched them tow it away. Aside from its failed transmission, the car was immaculate, my chariot for over five years. It had 300,000 miles on the odometer.

In June, I purchased the Element and took off across the country. Can you believe this is the first new car I have ever owned?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you went back to your previous blog design/template. This looks much more Kat-ish. :-)

Anonymous said...

Just to correct a misconception, it was your grandfather's side of the family (the Atwell's) who fought the Sioux. Major William Williams came out to Iowa and stayed. He built the fort there, which later became Fort Dodge, Iowa.

I don't recall any "whisperings" on the part of your maternal relatives - it was a well known fact.

My feelings are much like yours, Kat, in that I always felt personally responsible for what my great-great grandfather and his soldiers did to native Americans. It always has bothered me.

One of the men who was on my dad's half-track was a Sioux/Lakota. I was privileged to have met him when I was taping Bataan survivors. Unfortunately I don't know if he is still alive.

I am proud of your giving back and caring of others. Your blog was wonderful. Jerry told me that he had given you a Lakota name - I think it would be nice to sign this blog with your Lakota name!!!

Love, MOM

Shameless Crushes...

find life experiences and swallow them whole.
meet many people.
go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys.
try everything.
exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life.
-lawrence k. fish

Yoga For Peace

read much and often

Cleopatra: A Life
Travels with Charley: In Search of America
Never Let Me Go
The Angel's game
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Dreaming in French: A Novel
The Post-Birthday World
A Passage to India
The Time Traveler's wife
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Kite Runner
Eat, Pray, Love
Les Misérables
The Lovely Bones
Memoirs of a Geisha

read much and often»